Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camera Shots/ Angles Quiz

 Thursday, August 29, 2024


For this quiz/ project, we were instructed to select one or two inanimate objects and create a story that consisted of 15 slides, each containing a specific camera shot/ angle. Me and my partner picked our objects, a water bottle and a pencil case, and began brainstorming for ideas. Firstly, we created our story and what would happen during the 15 slides. After creating our story, we needed to figure out what types of camera shots and angles we would use in order to tell our story. We planned well and created our list of scenes and camera shots/ angles that would be used in each scene. Then, we got to work. We took many shots and experienced different techniques and angles to see what would fit the best. In the end, the story came out very nice and I believe we did a great job. I really admired the way we planned our shots and experimented with different techniques in order to create the perfect story. Although we did very well, I believe we could have taken higher-quality shots. Other than that, I believe not much could be improved. Provided in the link below, is our project. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did making it!

Camera shots quiz


 Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog! Today I wanted to share my plans for my film opening's costumes! Before I do that, I have ...