Thursday, February 13, 2025

Media Theory Research

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog! Today, I wanted to share some research I did with you all. I researched a media theory, Vladimir Propp's "Character Theory", because I heard that integrating media theories into my project would make it even better.

According to a handout given to me by my AICE Media teacher, an oversimplified version of this theory is that characters can be classified into different roles. According to Propp, there are 7 different roles:
  1. Hero- protagonist
  2. Villain- antagonist
  3. Dispatcher- character who sends protagonist on their journey
  4. Helper- character who aids protagonist
  5. Donor- character who provides the protagonist with something that will help them succeed.
  6. Princess- reward or motivation for protagonist
  7. False Hero- character who may not be initially set up as the villain, but works to prevent protagonist from succeeding.

Although a movie doesn't need all of these, these are the roles characters can take.

For my film opening, I think I can assign some of these roles to my character. I believe my main character could fit into the hero category, while I could include another character who would be the villain.


According to (2025), Propp defined two types of heroes. The one I was thinking of using is the "victim" who "directly suffers from the action of the villain at the start of the story". This action could be a betrayal or turning my hero in to someone, such as the police.


My other character would be the Villain. According to (2025), "the villain causes some “form of misfortune, damage or harm”...Their evil action will, of course, lead to a fight or another form of struggle with the hero". Like I said before, this action could be a betrayal or the turning in of my protagonist.

Retrieved 2025 from

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 Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog! Today I wanted to share my plans for my film opening's costumes! Before I do that, I have ...