Sunday, March 16, 2025

Group Meeting #2

 Hello everyone! This week we had our second group meeting! It was really fun so let me describe it for you.

This time, we were showcasing our progress to our classmates and providing constructive criticism. Here are the notes I took:

So, while presenting, I got three important pieces of advice.

Title Idea- Elusive. I really like this name. I might use it.

CCR idea- Nerf guns shootout. This makes a lot of sense since my movie features guns and is an action movie.

CCR idea- Karaoke Night- this one is very funny and I might use this as it is also quite creative.


I have to be careful with this, especially when considering that I have so many shots. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Research for CCR Question #4

 For the last CCR question, I must discuss technologies used during the project. The technologies were very important because without any of them, the completion of this project would be impossible.


For the camera, me and my friend used the Iphone 16's camera. Here is a cool video I watched that describes why the Iphone 16 camera is great for recording: 

Also, we utilized my friend's handheld stabilizer to help record my film opening.


During the project, many forms of software were used. I used A LOT. This allowed me to create a blog, which was a key factor to my project. It helped me in many ways, such as being able to organize ideas, communicate those ideas, plan, and share my ideas and thoughts. I also used the editing software, Adobe Premiere, to edit my film. Our teacher introduced us to this amazing tool earlier in the year, and it was very helpful for my editing process.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Research for CCR Question #3

 For the third CCR question, I have to reflect on the evolution of the project over time. Along with that, I must discuss how I researched and planned for it.  After that, I must talk about my approach to production and changes/ adaptations I had to make. Then, I must make a final reflection that considers where I started and where I am after the end of the project.

Project's Evolution

Ever since the beginning, I've had an idea of what I wanted to do. As time went on, I added and removed stuff, all in order to help make my film as good as possible. Help and tips from my friends, classmates, and teacher helped my project evolve and maximize it's potential.

Research and Planning

Research and planning was a key detail that helped improve my project. For example, when I made a story board to help plan for production, it really helped me when I was actually recording the scenes and shots. 

There are many examples of me researching and planning for my project. An example of my research was posted here on my blog. This is when I researched a media theory in order to help improve my film.
An example of me planning was when I posted a schedule I made for myself to help organize my ideas and time.

Approach to Production

I've never been the best at recording. Knowing this flaw, I asked a great friend of mine to help me record. His help went a long way, as it gave more quality to the shots and also gave me the chance to be able to focus on what's going on in the shot, rather than recording the shot itself. However, we've had some obstacles. For example, we don't have the same schedule, making it hard for us to find times to record. But, we adjusted our schedules on select days and were able to record my film opening.

Final Reflection

At the beginning, I just had ideas. But, if I'm honest, I had to clue how to communicate them and transfer them into my project. And although at this point I am not 100% DONE with my project, I have changed A LOT. A lot of planning, research, and help from my teacher and peers helped me be able to accomplish my goals; to create the best film opening possible. Now, I am confident I can produce another film opening, or even a short film.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Research for CCR Question #2

 For the second CCR question, I must state the target audience. Then, I will discuss production choices and content in my film opening that work to engage the target audience. After that, I will provide a realistic distribution plan for my film.

Target Audience

After conducting some research, it is safe to say that the target audience for action films, with mine included, are young males (primarily 16-25). This is because action movies satisfy that group's typical interests by having fast-paced and action packed scenes. Jake Ambrose on "" confirms this by stating that "For most action films the primary target audience is young males aged around 16-25 years old. This is because most action films have large amount of fast paced scenes, violence, and sexual content which would be gratifications this audience will look for".

Engaging with target audience

First off, I made the choice to show violent details, such as dead bodies and gun action in order to engage the audience. I knew these shots would spark interest and engagement among my target audience. I also created a sense of chaos at the end, which further appealed to my target audience, who are interested in action filled scenes. Furthermore, I created a very likeable character who would appeal to many in my target audience. 

Distribution Plan

Realistically, I am not a well known producer. Because of this, I will need to come up with ways of getting my film noticed. According to "", "Independent filmmakers often use film festivals as an opportunity to get the attention of distributors. Once a distributor is interested in a film, the two parties arrive at a distribution agreement". I think this would be a very suitable path for me to take. So, my plan is to try to get noticed by distributors by utilizing film festivals. Once that happens, I will open talks with the distributors and make agreements about distribution and profits of my film. I also plan on distributing my film to YouTube, as that could also bring attention to it.

^A film festival in New York

Group Meeting #2

 Hello everyone! This week we had our second group meeting! It was really fun so let me describe it for you. This time, we were showcasing o...