Monday, February 24, 2025


 Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog! Today I wanted to share my plans for my film opening's costumes!

Before I do that, I have a quick update about the music. Yesterday, I sent the creator of the music I plan on using for my project a message confirming I had permission to use his work on my project. He responded and gave me permission! Can't wait to use it.

So. Costumes. I have an idea of what I am going to try to do. Since there will only be two characters shown in my film opening, I only need two costume designs.


For my main character, the assassin, I wanted to go with a design that's heavily inspired by military uniform.  I was thinking of something like this:
Of course, it wouldn't have so many equipment and details as seen in the picture, mainly because my character isn't in the military. Quite the opposite, he is actually a fugitive. 

To achieve this look, I would need to find some black clothes that cover my whole body and a black ski mask. I could also find some boots to complete the look. I think this is very do-able.


For my villain, I am thinking of going down a different path. Since the villain will not be completely shown and will be seen using a computer in a dark room, I was thinking of basing this costume on a "hacker". Hackers are usually shown in a dark room wearing a hoodie covering their head. That's how I want to depict my villain. Something like this:                                                                                            

This can be easily be done by using a hoodie and filming in a dark room.


In conclusion, these are the two costume designs I want to use for my film. Can't wait to create and use them! If anything changes, I will update you all!

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 Hello all! Welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to plan audio elements of my film opening.


For my non-diegetic sound, I wanted to use a menacing and slow music. This will help build even more tension and mystery. 

This is the music I plan on using:

Although this is copy-right free, I messaged the creator asking for permission just in case.


For diegetic sound, I want to use various sound effects, such as thuds, gunshots, and loud footsteps. I will use various sound effect databases for this, and I will also follow Sofia's (my classmate) tip, and use Youtube Audio Library for sound effects. I plan on making the film very quiet (excluding the non-diegetic music) so that every sound effect will stand out as much as possible. 

I also plan on making many foley sounds! I learned how to make foley sounds this year, and I will definitely be utilizing foley sounds for this film project.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Mise-en-scene: Props

 Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog! Today I want to discuss another mise-en-scene element; Props.

According to (2025), "A prop is any inanimate object that an actor interacts with in a film". Props are used to "move a story forward, define a character, or become a symbol in and of itself". 

Additionally, I think props are important so that scenes can actually take place. For example, for my film, I will use a toy gun as a prop so I don't have to use a real one. (I also don't have a real one).


                                   PROP                                          REAL

Along with this prop, I will also use a cellphone. This prop will be used when the character is talking on the phone. Also, I was thinking of integrating a scene where the villain is "kind of" shown. In this scene, there would also be a cellphone, along with a computer (monitoring our character).

So far, these are the props I will use, but this can be subject to change. How many props will actually be used? Only time can tell!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Mise-en-scene: Lighting

 Hello!!! Welcome back to my blog! Today I want to discuss lighting. I am excited to talk about this because ever since the beginning I've had an idea of how I would like it to be!

My film is gonna take place at night. So, naturally, the lighting is gonna be dark. But, I want to take this to the next level. By this, I mean that I want there to be a reason for the dark lighting, not just because of the time.

I was thinking something similar to this:

Of course, my film would mostly be inside, but I think this a good representation of how I want the lighting in my film opening to be like. (2025) states that "low-key lighting create a muted image that complements the tense drama created through the plot and characters of the film." This definition shows why I want to use low-key lighting. I want to build as much suspense as possible in order to convey a menacing/suspenseful mood.

Okay, but how will I achieve low-key lighting? 
This video really helped me understand HOW to achieve low-key lighting.

You should definitely expect low-key lighting when watching my film opening! I can't wait to start filming and editing to implement this!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Character development

 Hello everyone! In today's post, I wanted to discuss character development. According to (2025) , character development is "the collective observable changes in an individual's defining characteristics over the course of a narrative". 

Here is a video I watched that helped me further understand character development:

So, in order to have character development in my film opening, I must indicate how my character will change throughout the film

The first thing I could do is to try to show his feelings in order to develop his character and personality. For example, when the police storm in, I could try to focus on my character's expression/reaction. This can convey how the character reacts to certain things, which can also show a glimpse of the character's personality.

Also, I can use interaction between characters to indicate character development throughout the film. This will be quite tricky, as I have a very limited amount of time, but a good amount of planning will help me make this possible.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Story Board

Hello everyone! Today I am going to share something that I think is one of the most important parts of planning for my film opening...
The Story Board!!!                                     

Here is my storyboard:

The story board is gonna be crucial in helping me create my film opening. It helps organize my ideas and illustrate my thoughts. I'm gonna use this a lot when doing my project. Can't wait!


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Summary of my idea

 So... I have finally finalized the idea for my project. I am going to summarize it for you all.


My film will start off with a dark screen with some text showing the date, time, and location. Perhaps even the title of the film. Then, an establishing shot of a house will be shown, which will be followed by a low angle tracking shot that goes through the most of the house. It will go through a long dark hallway, like this one:
Throughout this shot, credits will appear and broken items and unconscious soldiers/agents will be shown to indicate a fight of some sort went down. At the end of the hallway, aa character will be in a room. He will receive a phone call, and in this phone call will realize he has been set up and that cops are coming to arrest him. As he hangs up, police enters the house and he must think fast to escape. I will finish off with an eyeline match to the window and a zoom in to indicate he escaped through the window. After the zoom in, the screen will go black and the scene will end. I could also put the title at this moment.

This is a basic summary of my idea. I will also make a storyboard to help illustrate this idea. I can't wait to see what it looks like when I finish!


 Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog! Today I wanted to share my plans for my film opening's costumes! Before I do that, I have ...