Hello all! Welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to plan audio elements of my film opening.
For my non-diegetic sound, I wanted to use a menacing and slow music. This will help build even more tension and mystery.
This is the music I plan on using:
Although this is copy-right free, I messaged the creator asking for permission just in case.
For diegetic sound, I want to use various sound effects, such as thuds, gunshots, and loud footsteps. I will use various sound effect databases for this, and I will also follow Sofia's (my classmate) tip, and use Youtube Audio Library for sound effects. I plan on making the film very quiet (excluding the non-diegetic music) so that every sound effect will stand out as much as possible.
I also plan on making many foley sounds! I learned how to make foley sounds this year, and I will definitely be utilizing foley sounds for this film project.
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